Sunday, May 9, 2010

So Cute!!

I was getting little Holly dressed one day and thought she looked so cute so i took some pictures of her!! She did both poses all by herself! Love Her!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Just for fun :)

My little sister Mariah is in this thing called Arise... Its a youth spectacular with over 30 stakes dancing together! They hold practices every other saturday and i thought it would be fun to come take some pictures of them during one of their costume checks! They have the era 20's that include flapper girl dresses and cute headbands and all that jazz!!
Tanya- Loves the 20's girl look
Strike a pose ladies!

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane!

Hey I'm leaving to Florida for the summer at the end of this month! If anyone wants pictures done before then Email me and let me know! And here is a little sneak peek of the photo shoot i did with my Best Friends! :)

Thanks to my mom & dad for finding this AWESOME!! location for us!

Monday, May 3, 2010


Raelyn, my old YW leader wanted some cute shots of her nieces and nephews... So i happily accepted her want. Hope you liked 'em:)

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Little Sister!

Mariah just loved this outfit so I said, lets go out side and take some
pictures of you. And it turned into a mini photo shoot.
She is so lucky to have a sister that loves photography!

Our dad's Wonderful Rock Wall
Junk Yard!
Orange Crush (our Kitty)

Peace out!