Friday, July 23, 2010

Out and About. .

Me and Heather on a typical day exploring st. Augustine. I just always loved this zebra wall we just had to stop and take pictures by it.

Then we stopped and got a little treat at Lu Li's Cupcakes. Best Ever. .

Holly's favorite.
You can tell by Heather's face that they are finger lickin good.

*Eat Dessert First*


The Reiersens said...

HaHa I LOVE Heather's face in the cupcake pic!! And can Holly get any cuter? Seriously?!

JMay said...

Eat dessert first is right! :-) Those cupcakes look soooo good!!!

Alycia Grayce (Crowley Party) said...

so cute! &that place looks so yummmmmy!